Daftar Istilah

alternate sponsorship
alternate statement
alternate static port
alternate strip system
alternate strip system
alternate tape drive
alternate test
alternates angles
alternating conditional expectations (ACE)
alternating copolymer
alternating current
alternating current
alternating current (A.C) ratiometer
alternating current (AC)
alternating current arc welding
alternating current circuit
alternating current three phase
alternating diaphragm
alternating gradient focusing
alternating gradient synchrotron (AGS)
alternating group
alternating hemiplegia
alternating load
alternating multilinear mapping
alternating polyelectrolyte deposition
alternating pressure process
alternating renewal process
alternating series
alternating stress
alternating symmetrical connubium
alternating symmetrical connubium
alternating-current polarography
alternating-field demagnetization
alternation condition
alternation in sign
alternation of generations
alternation of generations
alternation of host
Alternative Birthing Centre
alternative concept design
alternative concept plan
alternative conjunction
alternative constraint
alternative construction
alternative current (AC) electrokinetics
alternative current (AC) electroosmosis
alternative development
alternative dispute resolution
alternative form
alternative future
alternative growth
alternative host
alternative host
alternative hypothesis
alternative income stream
alternative investment
alternative mating strategy
alternative medicine
alternative method
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