Daftar Istilah

additive (random walk) process
additive algorithm
additive clause
additive coding
additive colour
additive colour mixing
additive colour mixture
additive compound
additive conservation law
additive constant
additive construction
additive drag
additive effect
additive effects
additive family
additive gene
additive gene
additive gene effect
additive gene effect
additive gene effects
additive genetic action
additive genetic merit
additive genetic value
additive genetic variance
additive group
additive group of a ring
additive identity
additive identity element
additive interaction
additive inverse
additive manufacturing (AM)
additive metamorphism
additive mixing
additive model
additive model
additive nomenclature
additive one-particle operator
additive primaries
additive printer
additive process
additive program
additive properties
additive properties of X2
additive property
additive property
additive relationship
additive reversal material
additive set function
additive three-colour
additive two-particle operator
additive variance
additives finishes
additives package
additivity and variance stabilization (AVAS)
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