Daftar Istilah

right hand plane
right hand rule
right handed
right heart bypass
right ideal
right identity
right invariant vector field
right inverse
right lateral fault
right margin
right middle lobe
right of ethnic groups
right of way
right pyramid
right reason
right side
right subtree
right to vote
right topology
right valve
right ventricle
right versus left quartz
right-angle viewfinder
right-angled triangle
right-handed coordinate system
right-handed moment
right-handed neutrino
right-left confusion
right-side endocarditis
right-to-left vascular shunt
right-to-work laws
right-wing economic policy
righting lever
righting moment
rightist government
rightness of action
rigid affine connection
rigid body
rigid camera
rigid fixation
rigid frame
rigid fuel tank
rigid lamb disease
rigid loadspace protector
rigid motion
rigid rotator
rigid rotor
rigid sphere
rigid subsoil
rigid tailgate protector
rigid wall potential
rigidity modulus
rigidity theorem
rigor mortis
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