Daftar Istilah

social equity
social equity
social evolution
social evolution
social evolution
social expenditure
social expenditure
social experimentation
social fact
social fact
social factor
social factor
social factor
social factors and health
social force
social framework evidence
social function
social fund
social gains
social good
social goods
social group
social hierarchy
social hormone
social identity theory
social imperialism
social income
social indicator
social indicator
social inequalities
social influence
social inheritance
social insect
social instituations
social insurance
social insurance
social insurance program
social invention
social isolation
social isolation
social isolation
social issue
social justice
social justice
social learning
social learning theory
social learning view of aggression
social learning view of prejudice
social level (category)
social life
social maladjusment
social malajusment
social marginal productivity
social media distancing
social mental illneas
social milieu
social mobility
social mobility
social mobility
social mobility
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