Daftar Istilah

selection against dominant gene
selection against recessive gene
selection and environment
selection coefficient
selection criteria
selection criteria
selection cutting
selection definition
selection differential
selection differential calculation
selection felling
selection for several traits
selection for traits
selection for wool traits
selection index
selection intensity
selection intensity
selection intensity factor
selection limit
selection mass
selection method
selection of norms
selection plateaus
selection pressure
selection pressure
selection pressure
selection response
selection rule
selection rules
selection system
selection tandem method
selection thinning
selection with arbitrary probability
selection with equal probability
selection with probability proportional to size
selective absorption
selective acculturation
selective adsorbent
selective arteriography
selective association
selective attention
selective attention
selective breeding
selective breeding
selective bronchography
selective calling (Selcal) decoders
selective chemisorption
selective commodity tax
selective compromise
selective cracking
selective cutting
selective cutting system
selective death
selective discharge
selective dryer
selective drying
selective felling
selective fertilization
selective filtering
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