Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
Pitman efficiency
Pitman estimator
Pitman's test
pivot column
pivot element
pivot number
pivot operation
pivot row
pivotal elimination
pivotal equation in elimination
pivoting strategy
pixel pattern
place marker
place value
place value notation
plaid square
planar graph
planar rotation
planar umbilic
plane curve
plane geometry
plane graph
plane of projection
plane Peano curve
plane rectangular coordinate
plane reflection
plane section
Playfair's axiom
Poincare's formula
Poincare-Bendixon theorem
Poincare-Bertrand formula
point at infinity
point binomial
point biserial correlation
point bivariate distribution
point density
point ellipse
point estimation
point group theory
point iterative method
point like set
point mass
point of accumulation
point of control
point of double inflection
point of first entry
point of graph
point of indifference
point of inflection
point of intersection
point of tangency
point open topology
point pair
point process
point sampling
point set
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