Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
autocovariance generating function
automata theory
automatic abstracting
automatic computer
automatic cover reinsurance
automatic data processing
automatic indexing
automatic paper carriage
automatic programming
automatic stop
automorphism of a connection
automorphism of a Lie algebra
automorphism of a Lie group
autonomous equation
autonomous system
autoregressive model
autoregressive process
autoregressive series
autoregressive transformation
auxiliary angle
auxiliary equation
auxiliary storage
auxiliary variable
average amount of inspection
average arrival rate
average critical value method
average date
average error
average extra defective limits
average gradient
average inaccuracy
average of deviation
average of relatives
average order
average outgoing quality level
average quality protection
average return per period
average run length
average sample number curve
average sample number function
average sample run length
average service rate
average speed
average value problem
average-backlog penalty cost
averaging method
axiom of Archimedes
axiom of betweenness
axiom of choice
axiom of congruence
axiom of continuity
axiom of countability
axiom of embedment
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