Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
tangent bundle
tangent form
tangent function
tangent line
tangent of an angle
tangent plane
tangent rule
tangent segment
tangent space
tangent table
tangent to a circle
tangent to a curve
tangent vector
tangential acceleration
tangential derivative
target language
Taylor series
Tchebychev inequality
Tchebychev-Hermite polynomial
television topology
temporally continuous process
temporally homogeneous process
temporary annuity
temporary insurance
ten's complement
tensor algebra
tensor bundle
tensor curvature
tensor field
tensor product of transformation
tensor space
tensorial form
terminal decision
terminal node
terminal point
terminal reserve
terminal vertex
terminating decimal
termination criterion
ternary number system
ternary quadratic form
Terry's test
test case
test coefficient
test file
test for divisibility
test function
test hypothesis
test of normality
test root
test statistic
tetrachoric correlation
tetrachoric function
tetrad difference
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