Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
universal quantifier
unlabled graph
unmixed boundary condition
unordered partition
unrestricted variable
unsaturated edge
unstable critical point
unstable game
unstable solution
unweighted mean
unweighted mean method
unweighted random sample
up and down method
up cross
upper bound
upper bound variable
upper case
upper control limit
upper half-plane
upper integral
upper limit
upper limit topology
upper quartile
upper sum
upper topological limit
upper triangular matrix
upper value of a game
upward bias
Urysohn's lemma
user function
Uspensky's inequality
usual topology
utility function
utility program
utility theory
valid argument
valid reasoning
value index
value of a game
value of an insurance cost
van der Monde determinant
van der Waerden's test
vanish at infinity
vanishing point
vanity effect
variable annuity
variable field
variable inspection
variable length record
variable life insurance
variable of integration
variable order
variable order method
variable point
variable sampling fraction
variance analysis
variance component
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