Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
exterior differentiation
exterior face
exterior form
exterior line
exterior of a polygon
exterior of conic
exterior point
exterior powers of a vector space
exterior product
external diameter
external direct product of group
external memory
external variance
extra mortality
extra period change over design
extrapolated Liebman method
extrapolation method
extrapolation parameter
extremal equation
extremal intensity
extremal problem
extremal process
extremal quotient
extremal statistic
extreme mean
extreme point
extreme rank sum test
extreme studentized deviate
extreme value
extreme value distribution
F test
face amount of insurance policy
face angle
face of a cube
face of polyhedron
face of solid
face value
factor antithesis
factor discount
factor form
factor loading
factor matrix
factor of a polynomial
factor of an integer
factor pattern
factor reversal test
factor ring
factor rotation
factor space
factor table
factor theorem
factorial cumulant
factorial distribution
factorial experiment
factorial function
factorial moment
factorial moment generating function
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