Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
glide reflection
Glivenco-Cantelli lemma
Glivenko's theorem
global convergence
global error estimation
global maximum
global minimum
global optimum
global property
global truncation error
globally asymptotic
globally asymptotically stable
glueing rule
Gnedenko 's theorem
goal programming
Goldbach conjecture
golden mean search
golden ratio
Gomory cut algorithm
Gompertz curve
Gompertz's law
Goodman-Kruskal tau
goodness of fit test
Goutereau's constant
Gracco-Latin square
grace period
gradient of a function
gradient of a line
gradient of a vector field
gradient of chord
gradient of tangent
gradient projection method
gradient search
gradient search procedure
gradient vector
graduation method
Graeffe's root-squaring method
Gram's criterion
Gram-Charlier series type A
Gram-Charlier series type B
Gram-Charlier series type C
Gram-Schmidt algorithm
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process
graph of a function
graph of algebraic function
graph of mapping
graph of trigonometric function
graph theory
graphic display unit
graphical construction
graphical estimator
graphical integration
graphical solution
graphical technique
Grassmann algebra
Grassmann coordinate
Grassmann coordinate of the second kind
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