Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
northwest corner method
northwest corner rule
note endorsement
nowhere dense set
nth derivative
nth order derivative
nth order differential equation
nuisance parameter
null ellipse
null function
null hypothesis
null matrix
null sequence
null set
null space
nullity of a bilinear form
number base
number line
number pair
number scale
number strip
number system
numerical analysis
numerical approximation
numerical dependence
numerical differentiation
numerical equation
numerical expression
numerical instability
numerical integration
numerical integration of data
numerical method
numerical quadrature
numerical solution
numerical value
nun test
nunimizing function
Nyquist frequency
Nyquist-Shannon theorem
o statistics
objective function
objective tradeoff
oblique asymptote
oblique circular cone
oblique coordinate
oblique coordinate system
oblique factor
oblique prism
oblique strophoid
oblique triangle
observation period
observational error
obsolescence cost
obtuse-angle triangle
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