Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Kedokteran
Frankfurt plane
free active
free body diagram
free dynamic
free exercise
free field test
free flap
free fluid
free nerve ending
free radical
free radical scavengers
free radicals
free thyroxine
free water clearance
free-field speech testing
free-float anxiety
free-floating attention
free-living nematode
Freeman's prothesis
freeze-dried factor VIII concentrate
freezing microtome
Fregoli's phenomenon
Frei test
French gauge
Frenkel's exercise
frequency distribution
frequency matching
frequency weighting
fresh freeze-dried plasma
fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
fresh gas flow
fresh gas inlet
Fresnel prism
Freud's theory of dreams
Freudian theory
Frey's syndrome
friction biomechanics
friction burns
friction within the body
frictional bursitis
frictional force
Friedman two-way analysis of variance
Frisby stereo test
frog breathing
frog leg lateral radiography
frog-leg position
Froin's syndrome
Froment sign
front shoulder raise
frontal bone
frontal craniotomy
frontal eye field
frontal gyrus
frontal lobe syndrome
frontal lobectomy
frontal nerve
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