Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Kedokteran
postherpetic neuralgia
posthypnotic amnesia
posthypoglycemic coma encephalopathy
postmature infant
postmenopausal women
postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
postmortem clot
postnasal discharge
postnasal drip
postnasal pack
postnatal blues
postnatal care
postnatal depression
postoperative analgesia
postoperative apnoea
postoperative assessment
postoperative care
postoperative complication
postoperative confusion
postoperative croup
postoperative delirium
postoperative irregularities
postoperative management
postoperative mortality
postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)
postoperative neuralgia
postoperative pain
postoperative radiation
postoperative rehabilitation program
postoperative respiratory depression
postoperative stridor
postoperative ventilation
postpartum cardiomyopathy
postpartum depression
postpartum thyroiditis
postpericardiotomy syndrome
postpulmonary shunt
postradiation care
postraumatic stress disorder
postresuscitation care
postspinal headache
postsplenectomy sepsis
poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
postsynaptic potential
postsynaptic terminal
posttest counselling
posttetanic count (PTC)
posttetanic potentiation
postural abnormalities
postural awareness
postural change
postural constraint
postural control
postural correction
postural drainage
postural flat foot
postural hypotension
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