Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Kedokteran
relative dehydration
relative refractory
relative respite admission
relaxant technique
relaxation techniques
relaxation training
relaxed skin tension line
relaxtion of diaphragma
release phenomenon
releasing factor
releasing hormone
remedial games
remedial treatment
remittent fever
remote memory
removal of epithelim
removal of foreign body
removal of tracheobronckial sceretion
renal agenesis
renal amyloidosis
renal aneurysm
renal arteriography
renal arteriolar nephrosclerosis
renal arteriovenous fistula
renal arterography
renal artery angioplasty
renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia
renal artery stenosis
renal artery thrombectomy
renal artery thrombosis
renal biopsy
renal blood flow
renal colic
renal contusion
renal corpuscle
renal cystic disease
renal dysfunction
renal failure; acute, chronic
renal fragmentation
renal function monitoring
renal hydatid
renal insufficiency
renal interstitium
renal laceration
renal lobe/lobule
renal malformation
renal osteodystrophy
renal papilla
renal pedicle injury
renal pelvis
renal plasma threshold
renal pyramid
renal scintigraphy
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