Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Politik
standard of living
standard operating procedure
standards of conduct
standards of service
star war
stare decisis
state action
state authority
state building
state capitalism
state craft
state enterprise
state enterprise reform
state executive council
state financial authority
state intervention
state legislative assembly
state public service
state revenue
State Secretary
state socialism
state's policy
state's right
state-civic organization relationship
state-oriented society
state-owned enterprises
stateless people
statement of objectives
static management
statistical profile
status quo
status quo policy
statutory body
steering committee
steering not rowing
step of policy
stock exchange
stock market
strategic approach
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
Strategic Arms Reduction Talk (START)
strategic balance
strategic bomber
strategic business unit planning
strategic capacity
strategic change
strategic choice
strategic consideration
strategic decisions
strategic defence initiative
strategic development
strategic framework
strategic gap
strategic gap analysis
strategic hamlet
strategic human capital
strategic human resource development
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