Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Fisika
induced spatial incoherence
induced voltage
inductance bridge
induction coil
induction electrical survey (IES)
induction heating
induction log
induction method
induction motor
inductional coil
inductive load
inductive reactance
inductive storage
inductive voltage drop
inelastic collision
inelastic cross-section
inelastic scattering
inelastic scattering cross section
inelastic scattering of neutrons
inelastic scattering of photon
inequality of Clausius
inert gas crystal
inert gas structure
inertia coefficient
inertia tensor
inertial effect
inertial force
inertial frame
inertial frame of reference
inertial mass
inertial system
inertial systems of reference
inertial tensor
inferior mirage
infinite electrode
infinite multiplication factor
infinite self energy
infinite square potential well
infinite square well
infinite square well potential
infinitesimal change operator
infinitesimal interaction
infinitesimal Lorentz transformation
infinitesimal process
infinitesimal quasi-static process
infinitesimal rotation
infinitesimal time evolution operator
infinitesimal transformation
infinitesimal translation
infinity method
inflection-tangent-intersection method
inflection-tangent-intersection method (iti method)
influence line
infra red absorption
infra-red heating
infra-red light emission
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