Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Fisika
nn value
noble gas
noble gas solid
noble metal
nodal expansion
nodal point
nodal slide
node voltage
Noether’s theorem
Noether’s theorem of angular momentum
noise criteria
noise exposure level
noise footprint
noise generator
noise level
noise power
noise rating number
noise reduction
noise spectrum level
noise temperature
noise, limited (active)
Nomarski microscope
non parallel extinction
non reflecting
non-condensable gas
non-cubic crystal
non-Euclidean geometry
non-Faradaic current
non-ideal superconductor
non-inertial frame of reference
non-local tranformation
non-relativistic limit
non-resonant line
non-return valve
non-self-maintaining gas discharge
non-uniform strain
noncharge-exchange scattering
noncircular Tokamak
nonelastic cross section
nonet of vector meson
nonholonomic constraint
noninertial system
nonleptonic mode
nonleptonic weak interaction
nonlinear acoustics
nonlinear coordinate transformation
nonlinear crystal
nonlinear distortion
nonlinear propagation
nonneutral plasma
nonpolarizable electrode
nonporous absorber
nonreflecting film
nonrelativistic motion
nonrelativistic propagator
nonrelativistic reduction
nonrelativistic reduction of Dirac equation
nonstationary state
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