Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Fisika
field desorption
field domain
field effect transistor
field effect transistor (FET)
field emission
field equations of the universe
field evaporation
field intensity
field ion microscope
field lens
field of plane mirror
field of view
field operator
field pattern
field quanta
field quantization
field quenching
field reversed configuration (FRC)
field stop
field strength four-tensor
field tape
field theory
field timing
field variational principle
Fierz interference
Fierz interference term
figure axis locus
figure of the earth
filament current
filled band
filled subshell
filler rod
film badge
film composition
film shrinkage
film slide
filter aid
filter cake
filter correction
filter network
filtering of wave packet
final control element
fine control member
fine structure
fine structure constant
fine structure correction
fine structure multiple
fine vacuum
finesse coefficient
fingerprint method
finite group
finite induction
finite Larmor radius effect
finite rotation
finite translation
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