Daftar Istilah

education statistics
education structure
education, basic
education, boards of
education, centralization of
education, colonial
education, compulsory
education, conflict theories of
education, early childhood
education, equalization of
education, excellence in
education, financing
education, functional theories of
education, functions of
education, goals of
education, higher
education, humanistic
education, investment in
education, lifelong
education, moral
education, new sociology of
education, non-formal
education, parochial
education, pre-colonial
education, primary
education, public
education, public expenditure on
education, secondary
education, sociological study of
education, sociologist of
education, sociology of
education, specialized
education, technical
education, tertiary
education, universal
education, uses of
education, vocational
educational achievement
educational animation
educational aspirations
educational attainment
educational change
educational choice
educational credentials
educational demand
educational development
educational efficiency
educational elite
educational enrollments
educational equipment
educational expansion
educational expenditure
educational goals
educational groups
educational growth
educational ideals
educational industries
educational inequality
educational inflation
educational investment
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