Daftar Istilah

effective mass measurement
effective mass value
effective mobility
effective multiplication factor
effective nuclear charge
effective permeability
effective population size
effective population size
effective population size
effective population size
effective potential
effective precipitation
effective precipitation
effective protection
effective protection rate
effective publication
effective radiating area
effective range
effective range
effective range
effective rate
effective rate
effective rate of interest
effective rating point
effective relaxation length
effective resistance
effective resonance integral
effective river end-member
effective sample size
effective schools
effective soil depth
effective sound speed
effective speed
effective stress
effective stroke
effective symmetric Lie algebra
effective symmetric space
effective tariff
effective tax rate
effective thermal cross section
effective throughput
effective unit
effective value
effective velocity
effective wavelength
effective yield
effectiveness factor
effectiveness function
effectiveness of selection
effector cell
effects (sound)
effects bus
effects on complexity
effects on human relationships
effects on the economy
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