Daftar Istilah

status asthmaticus
status epilepticus
status imperfectus (stat. impeif)
status label
status line
status migranosus
status novus (stat. nov.)
status of children
status offense
status organization
status personality
status planning
status quo
status quo
status quo policy
status register
status society
status symbol
status teleomorphosis (stat. teleom.)
status thymicolymphaticus
status trigeminus
status word
status word
status, inheritance of
statute barred
statute of limitation
statutory body
statutory credit limit
statutory decentralisation
statutory insident
statutory law
statutory mortagage
statutory owner
statutory rape
statutory rape
statutory rebate
statutory receipt
statutory report
statutory reserve fund
statutory trust
stay stitch
stay tune
staying power
stayput schemes
steady bearing
steady current
steady flow
steady light
steady motion
steady potential
steady state
steady state
steady state
steady state
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