Daftar Istilah

state point
state properties
state property
state property right
state public service
state revenue
state road grant
State Secretary
state socialism
state socialism
state space
state sum
state transition diagram
state transition diagram
state value function
state variable
state variable
state vectors
state's policy
state's right
state-action value function
state-civic organization relationship
State-dependent arrival rate
State-dependent service rate
state-oriented society
state-owned enterprises
state-trait anxiety inventory
state-vector space
stated value
stateland forest
stateless people
stateless person
statement format
statement of affairs
statement of financial accounting standard
statement of income; income statement
statement of objectives
statement of sources and uses of funds
statement to camera
statement validity analysis (SVA)
states of aggregation
statewide branching
static addressing scheme
static aerodynamics
static air pressure
static air pressure
static air temperature
static air temperature
static angle of repose
static balance (aircraft)
static balance (propeller)
static balance (propeller)
static balance test
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