Daftar Istilah

standard score
standard series method
standard solution
standard solution
standard speech
standard state
standard state
standard state pressure
standard temperature
standard temperature and pressure (STP)
standard topology
standard turn rates
standard unit
standard volume
standard weights
standardiced difference
standardiced difference
standardisation of character
standardised deviate
standardised mortality ratio
standardised regression coefficients
standardised solution
standardised variate
standardized death rate
standardized incidence ratio
standardizing production record
standards of conduct
standards of service
standarized design
standars inaccuracies
standby airspeed indicator
standby arrangement
standby attitude indicator
standby commitment
standby floor
standby Letter of Credit
standby loan
standby redundancy
standby switch
standby ticket
standby time
standing blood pressure
standing buffet
standing credit
standing crop
standing crop
standing frame
standing instruction
standing lamp
standing order
standing order
standing pig marketed
standing pig population
standing stock
standing water
standing wave
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