Daftar Istilah

standard electrode
standard electrode potential
standard electromotive force
standard enthalpy change
standard equation
standard error
standard error
standard error of estimate
standard evaporator
standard exercise test
standard fertilizer dose
standard fishing technique
standard for accreditation of hospital
standard for showroom
standard form
standard frequency
standard general markup language (SGML)
standard heat of combustion
standard heat of formation
standard heat of reaction
standard hydrogen electrode
standard illuminant
standard industrial classification
standard inner product
standard international atmosphere
standard international trade classification (SITC)
standard language
standard Latin square
standard length
standard lens
standard life
standard mean chord (SMC)
standard measure
standard metabolism
standard metropolitan area
standard model
standard normal curve
standard normal distribution
standard of aesthethic value
standard of living
standard of living
standard of practice
standard of proof
standard of value
standard operating procedure
standard operating procedures (SOP)
standard oxygen-transfer rate
standard pitch
standard plane
standard plate count agar
standard population
standard port
standard pressure
standard pressure
standard pressure
standard production
standard pronounciation
standard pump
standard recipe
standard room
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