Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
randomisation test
randomised block
randomised decision function
randomised fractional factorial design
randomised model
randomised strategy
randomised test
range chart
range of a function
range of a linear transformation
rank correlation
rank of a linear transformation
rank of a mapping
rank of a matrix
rank of a tensor
rank of linear transformation
rank of mapping
rank order statistic
Rao's scoring test
rasional trend
rate of birth
rate of change
rate of conduction
rate of convergence
rate of decrement
rate of interest
rate of mortality
ratio affine
ratio estimator
ratio of segment
ratio scale
ratio test
rational approximation
rational arithmetic
rational function
rational number
rational point
rational root theorem
rational scalar
raw moment
raw score
Rayleigh distribution
Rayleigh-Ritz method
read access
read cycle
Read Only Memory (RAM)
read write memory
real analysis
real axis
real function
real line
real number system
real part of a complex number
real projective space
real quadratic form
real variable
real vector space
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