Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
report program
representation of a group
representation of integers
representative coordinate
representative of homogeneous class
representative sample
reserve fund
reserve of an insurance policy
reserve per policy
reserved word
residual correction method
residual design
residual matrix
residual sum of square
residual treatment effect
residual tree
residual variance
residual vector
residual waiting time residue
residue class
residue theorem
resolution principle
resolvable balanced incomplete block design
resolvable design
resolvent kernel
resource level
respons error
response metameter
response surface
response time distribution
restricted basis method
restricted chi-square test
restricted randomisation
restricted sequential procedure
restriction of tensor field
resultant force
resultant velocity
retirement age
retirement date
retirement rate
retracting function
retrospective reserve insurance
return period
retype key
reversal design
reversible relation
reversionary annuity
reversionary bonus
revised simplex method
rhombic symmetry
Riccati equation
Richardson extrapolation
rider insurance
Riemann curvature tensor
Riemann integrable
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