Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
reduction ratio
reduction theorem
reductive homogeneous space
reductive Lie algebra
reductive sub algebra
redundant equation
Reed-Munch method
reference period
reference set
reference triangle
reflected image
reflecting barrier
reflection in a line
reflexive law
reflexive relation
refusal rate
region of asymptotic stability
registered bond
regression coefficient
regression dependence
regression estimate
regression surface
regular arrivals
regular best asymptotically normal estimator
regular boundary point
regular curve
regular estimator
regular function
regular graph
regular group divisible incomplete block design
regular matrix
regular parametric representation
regular point
regular polygon
regular polyhedron
regular prism
regular pyramid
regular sequence
regular singular point
regular space
regularization method
reinstatement of policy
reinsurance commission
reinsurance fund
rejectable level
rejection error
rejection line
rejection number
rejection region
rejective sampling
related factorial experimental design
relation in a presentation
relative addressing
relative boundary
relative chain
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