Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
skew distribution
skew field
skew Hermitian
skew matrix
skew regression
skew symmetric game
skew symmetric matrix
skip free process
slack for an activity
slack for an event
slack time
slack variable
slant edge
slant height
slide rule
sliding vector
slippage test
slope ratio assay
slot number
Slutzky process
Slutzky's theorem
Slutzky-Yule effect
small angle
small circle
small scale computer
small-step gradient algorithm
Smirnov test
smooth function
smooth regression analysis
smooth test
snap reading method
Snedecor's F-distribution
snowball law
snowball sampling
social insurance
soft sector
solenoidal vector
soliciting agent
solid geometry
solid n-sphere
solid of revolution
solid space
solution by eigenfunction expansion
solution by elimination
solution of differential equation
solution of integral equation
solution particular
solution space
solution vector
solutions of linear congruences
solutions of polynomial congruences
solutions of quadratic congruences
solvability of congruence
solvable finite group
solvency margin
son of a vertex
sorting method
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