Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
sorting procedure
source code
source computer
source file
source language
source of variability
space bar
space of constant curvature
space of non-positive curvature
spanning forest
spanning subgraph
spanning tree
spanning vector
sparse matrix
spatial point process
spatial systematic sample
Spearman estimator
Spearman's footrule
Spearman's two factor theorem
Spearman-Brown formula
Spearman-Karber method
special function
special limits
special projective coordinate
species of Latin square
specific factor model
specific rate
spectral average
spectral condition number
spectral decomposition
spectral distribution function
spectral form
spectral function
spectral norm
spectral radius
spectral weight function
spectral window
speed of convergence
spesification bias
sphere circumscribed
sphere surface
spherical angle
spherical excess
spherical indicatrix
spherical map
spherical normal distribution
spherical polygon
spherical segment
spherical triangle
spheroidal coordinate
spin tensor
spinor group
spinor index
spinorial connection
spiral arc
spiral curve
spiral point
spiral point type stability
Spitzer's identity
split plot confounding
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