Ranah Istilah

Istilah terkait Ranah: Matematika
split plot design
split test method
square contingency
square integrable
square matrix
square number
square root
square root transformation
square wave
squares free number
stabilisation of variance
stability criterion
stability of closed trajectory
stability region
stability test
stable and attractive point
stable critical point
stable game
stable manifold
stable numerical method
stable problem
stable solution
stack pointer
Stacy distribution
stagnation point
staircase distribution
staircase function
staircase method
stand-alone system
standard basis
standard equation
standard error of estimate
standard form
standard inner product
standard Latin square
standard life
standard measure
standard normal curve
standard population
standard score
standard topology
standard unit
standard volume
standardised deviate
standardised mortality ratio
standardised regression coefficients
standardised variate
star graph
star refinement
star-finite covering
start of heading
start of text
starting address
starting basis
state of equilibrium
state transition diagram
State-dependent arrival rate
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